What is the relationship between Sevin Atasoy and Kenan Doğulu

Today Sevin Atasoy was a guest on a Turkish TV program called ‘Bamkazan Conversations’ where she made a sincere confession. She gave information about her career journey in America and said, “I studied with Kenan Doğulu’s scholarship.”


Sevin Atasoy, settled in America after the death of her father Sönmez Ataso. About this she said : “My father’s and I adventure in America started in New York. Then my father came back to Turkey, and I won an acting scholarship from Michelle Danner there in Los Angeles. I passed through an exam. They immediately told me to act without asking my name or what I was doing , after the competition they asked me who I was , then told me to stay and that I had won the scholarship. . But then I was thinking I no place to stay here in America, I also don’t have a car. I was about to give up and come back to Turkey” said.

Kenan helped me to stay and study

“I had told Kenan that I won the scholarship but I had no place to stay . My dearest friend Kenan told me to stay ant his aunts house . I went there and his aunt and cousins accepted me and gave me a place to stay . I finished the studies thanks to Kenan God Bless him! “

From the series Kardeslerim where Sevin played a negative role