The price of Demet Özdemir’s new dress is simply impressive…

Demet demzdemir, the famous Turkish actress, protagonist in the series “A kiss in the dark” and in the series “Room 309” , continues to surprise the public with her expensive clothes. Her latest dress 14,863 TL (1500 Euro) is making the rounds of the network.

Demet Özdemir’s name has been mentioned in various Turkish showbiz magazines. Demet, who has made a name for herself on social media due to her roles in many well-known Turkish cinema series and films, is being mentioned recently because of her clothing prices.

Although often the dresses posted on social networks by Demet are for advertising and often she does not pay for them, it is said that Demet does not spare in terms of her appearance.
In one of the last posts she looks sparkling wearing the yellow dress. With the dress 14,863 TL (1500 Euro), Ozdemir has left the style to speak.

Although her new dress was liked by most followers, its price seemed a bit exaggerated. Her fans on Instagram commented, “How expensive! You could have bought 10 dresses at this price.