Did Demet Özdemir try to use her fame? She spoke for the first time

It was claimed that Demet Özdemir wanted to buy a luxury car but she tried to…

Demet Ozdemir talked : ” With Can Yaman again … ‘

Demet Özdemir spoke very clearly about her partner Can Yaman in the Early Bird series for…

Surprising , Demet Ozdemir met with her new co-worker for rehearsal.

After the ending of Early Bird series , Demet Özdemir has been preparing to return to…

Demet Özdemir choose a different path…

Demet Özdemir, shining star with the Early Bird series, became the face of a shampoo brand.…

Early Bird’s star Demet Özdemir announced the good news: ‘Then get better’

Demet Özdemir, who shines with the Early Bird series, gave the good news that she will…