Did Demet Özdemir try to use her fame? She spoke for the first time

It was claimed that Demet Özdemir wanted to buy a luxury car but she tried to use her fame to make discount because she found the price expensive. Özdemir’den response to these claims came.

Demet Özdemi was claimed to want to buy 700 thousand worth of luxury car, but the price was expensive. In this case, Özdemir was introduced by a player friend who recognized the company authorities and wanted to reduce the vehicle to 600 thousand TL. The player wanted to get the discount to get the car.

It was a lie

Demet Özdemir, answered the question of the journalists the last evening after the presentation of the shampoo brand . The player who denied the allegations, “There is no such thing, but would not be strange. Such things may be,” she said.