The resulting photo of Rıza Kocaoğlu and Yüsra Geyik ignited love rumors

It was alleged that Rıza Kocaoğlu and actor Yüsra Geyin, had a love affair. Rumors flared up with the emergence of their new photos taken together.

After Rıza Kocaoğlu left with Hazal Subaşı last month, his name began to be known with Yüsra Geyik, the actor of the Arka Sokaklar series.

Photo of Yusra and Riza

Although Yüsra Geyik denied the allegations with her sharing on the love rumors, the poses of the two taken side by side appeared.

In her statement, Yüsra Geyik said, “I feel the need to state that the love news about me is not true because it is spreading rapidly with very precise statements … I would like to declare that I will never talk about the subject and the notions of love that do not reflect the truth. Have healthy and peaceful weekends .

 After this statement, photographs of Rıza Kocaoğlu and Yüsra Geyik were released.

The love rumors became stronger with the sharing of photos with names such as Kocaoğlu and Geyik, Esra Ruşan, Fırat Çelik and Melisa Doğu on social media.