“That was my biggest fear,” Demi Lovato posted the photos when she appeared with stripes and cellulite!

The summer season is one where every loved one should be exposed more than usual. Beach attendance compels you to stay in bathing suits and this is the moment when many women become complex. The photos on Instagram are known to be mostly edited and this is more prevalent among “VIPs”. It seems that the famous singer, Demi Lovato, has got tired of this and prefers not to fix her photos anymore but to appear as she really is. She posted on Instagram a photo that clearly distinguishes stripes and cellulite.

“That was my biggest fear, but I managed it! I’ve complicated myself for a long time editing every picture and feel very free now to tell you who I really am .. These were just a few of the words Demi wrote in the accompanying photo which, besides being very beautiful, made us all aware!