Hazar Ergüçlü received her award after 2 years

Famous actor Hazar Ergüçlü, 2 years ago in Istanbul ‘National Competition’ won the Golden Orange award…

Amazing ,Onur Ünlü, has proposed marriage to Hazar Ergüçlü! Look what Hazar Ergüçlü answered …

Onur Ünlü , proposed marriage to Hazar Ergüçlü. It was learned that Ergüçlü was very happy…

He learned the age difference of him and Hazar Ergüçlü from the newspaper.

Hazar Ergüçlü is living a love life with the director Onur Unlu who is 19 years…

Hazar Ergüçlü introduced her lover to her family. The family reaction was…

Everyone was shocked when learned about the beautiful actress , Hazar Ergüçlü , relationship with her…