Surprising about Can Yaman !

Can Yaman is the favorite actor not only of all Turkish fan but of the whole world!

We do not exaggerate with this labeling, as it won over 90.1% of the vote in a poll created by a prestigious magazine.
This was also evident on his recent visit to Italy, where for five days fans were cheering under the hotel window where Can was staying.

The handsome actor Can Yaman overtook 64 opponents in the television’s Star Man competition, organized by the international Scoop TV in America. In the ongoing vote, there is a significant difference between Yaman and his opponent.

Can Yaman’s rival is Jensen Ackles, a handsome actor in the Supernatural series. Can Yaman, who made a serious difference to the foreign player, is the first by far. Yaman, who has a serious fan base abroad, . The previous day, the handsome actor had received intense interest from female fans.

All this fame was achieved thanks to the series “Full Moon” and “A Kiss in the Dark”

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