Hazal Kaya and her Family!

After marrying the actor Ali Atay, the beautiful actress Hazal Kaya gave a break to the screens by becoming pregnant and posed a happy family table. Kaya, used the phrase , “I learned a lot last year.” on the photo

Beautiful actress Hazal Kaya, published on social media account , her happy family , with her followers.

Adding a long note to the photo published in instagram by Hazal Kaya, “I learned a lot last year …
It’s been a year of trusting and surrendering to an accelerated life … Deaths, diseases, weddings, births … ”
This is the year I started learning, albeit difficult, to say …
But I’ve always felt so lucky.
My family and friends, whose presence I thank every day,
I’m glad we found each other in half-life I said my friend,
they always loved me like a mountain behind me, on my left.
I blew my birthday cake yesterday, with my son’s kicks in my stomach, a feeling of gratitude that I could not describe …
With my love and support for years, my dear ones who did not leave me one day have a great share in this.
Great grace to be loved by the spirited people, I always say.
Again my eyes are full of happiness.
I thank you thousands of times for your wonderful gifts, on behalf of my son, and on behalf of everyone you touched.
We have even a panda together, I will go crazy !! Together we will have years full of health, peace and happiness! ” – she said .