Hadise rebelled : My name is recognized

The application of the Famous Brand by Singer Hadise to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Authority was rejected.

Astonished after the rejection, Hadise said, “My name is known,” she objected.

The request of Hadise, who applied for the Turkish Patent and Trademark Authority for Recognition last year, was rejected.


According to the news of Milliyet; The decision of the rejection was made by the committee to the singer, who previously made the name registration of the brands “By Hadise” and “Hadise” in many fields including the shoemaking sector, textile and media.

It was learned that Hadise, who made an appeal through the brand attorney, was in a reproach with the words of “My name is a well-known brand. I do not understand that this is not registered”.

Singer, established in Turkey and sending work to be done in Belgium, waiting for the emergence of a new decision in a positive direction.


Hadise was born on October 22, 1985 in Belgium. Its exact name is Hadise Açıkgöz and is originally from Sivas. Hadise, who studied Economics and Contemporary Languages, received an album offer after joining the Idool 2003 contest in 2003.

In 2005 she released her first studio album in the Sweat “Stir Me Up” in Belgium and in Turkey with the song began to be recognized, then it began to continue his career in Turkey.

In 2008, Hadise released her second studio album. “Boy Crazy” song was a hit in Turkey. Next year Turkey was represented by her in the 2009 Eurovision Contest with the Song “Dum Tek Tek” . In the same year she offered to sell the album Fast Life and Heroes.

Kahraman’s debut song “We got Married” was again on the charts. In 2011, she released her fifth studio album, Aşk Kaç Beden Giyer? ,”Superman” , “How Many Bodies Does Love Wear?” and “He Got My Message.” Released the Albums in 2014 and the Champion albums in 2017. Hadise has won numerous awards, one of which is the Golden Butterfly and the other is the TMF Award.