Can Yaman speaks of his origin …

Can Yaman speaks of his Albanian origins and traditional grandmother cooking …

Can Yaman is one of the favorite Turkish actors for the public. Because he is ranked among the most charming actors in Turkey. This obviously attracts even more the “female” public towards him.

In a recent interview given by him, he was asked about the origin and Can said:”My fathers origin is from Albania , from Pristina. My grandfather grew up in Pristina, my grandmother in Skopje. In 1959 we came to Istanbul. Father’s relatives speak Albanian. Distant cousins, because I did not meet them, do not know them. Relatives like the father of my father, grandmother’s brothers. They always speak Albanian. My grandfather and my grandmother also know Albanian. Even, there are cases that speak Albanian. But I grew up more on the mother’s side, “Yaman said.

What he missed most is grandmother’s inaccessible cooking. He said that:”It is about how you grow and you continue to enjoy the taste of it later . I do not change my grandmother’s food with anything. It makes such a pie that lasts 3 hours. . Makes pie . Makes it as good as licking your fingers. Makes pie with yogurt, garlic, sausage, flesh bits of pieces. They are special foods no one can try “, – the actor has finished.