Bomb , News from Asli Enver and Murat Boz …

Aslı Enver and Murat boz, who started to love in January 2016 and are expected to get married, left again

Aslı Enver and Murat Boz left. In January 2016, the couple started to live in love and had once separated and made peace within 3 years.

Aslı Enver ile Murat Boz'dan gelen haber magazin gündemine bomba gibi düştü

They were getting married.

Murat Boz and Aslı Enver left in April 2018 after more than 2.5 years and they reconciled and resumed their relations.

To this day. Talking about the famous couple will marry this year, again came the news of separation.

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