Amine Gülşe-Mesut Özil couple got their daughter

Arsenal’s star Mesut Özil announced that he was a father on his social media account.

Amine Gülşe-Mesut Özil çifti kızlarına kavuştu

Mesut Özil, a German player of Turkish origin, who played in Arsenal, one of the English Premier League teams, became a father.

Mesut Ozil, drejt altarit me bukuroshen Amine Gulse (FOTO LAJM)

Football Ozil continued his career in England. He married in June last year with Miss Amine Gülşe.

Mesut Özil ve Amine Gülşe odalarını ayırdı - Haber3

The couple shared their first photo of their daughter Eda with the words “Thank God that our daughter Eda was born healthy.