Alina Boz, one of the most beloved actresses of the followers of the series, who remains unforgettable with the character of Azra, as the protagonist of the series “Do not let go of my hand”, recently attracted attention with her elegant appearance but also her sincere statement. The actress recently appeared for viewers on a digital platform in one of the projects where her performance was massively praised and during the interview she talked about this new success.
She showed that the project combined between the comedy-drama-romance genres, had included her completely because of the age that suited her character’s experiences quite well. Asked if after the great success of this project, she was preparing for the next step, Boz answered that she was not considering any concrete project, but her desire was to become part of a production where the script and the team fit her character. artistic, “After all these are my main criteria”, were her words regarding the immediate goals. Mentioning the holidays, she said that the coast always remains her first choice, as along with relaxation is listed the passion she nurtures for water sports.
Asked if she and her boyfriend Mit’hatjan Özer think or discuss marriage, the actress responded by saying that her love affair is going well, but it is still too early for them both to think or talk about marriage. Her statement highlighted the importance of love, but stressed the priority: For Alina, career comes first!