Deniz Uğur’s uncle died from coronavirus

Stating that her uncle died from her social media account because of the coronavirus epidemic, the famous actress Deniz Uğur said, “We all hurt. Please everyone follow the rules.”

Cem Bayer, the uncle of the famous actress Deniz Uğur, died due to coronavirus. Deniz Uğur announced the news on her social media account.


In a statement made by Uğur’s social media account, “This virus took life from our family this time. The hero of my childhood … My precious person. The most beautiful person in the world … My dear uncle Cem Bayer passed away today. “Being away now hurts so much,” she said.


In the continuation of her statement, Uğur stated that her uncle is an elderly patient and added the following lines: “When we have permission, it is our promise to lie at the grave with all our respect, befitting his magnificent personality. He lived in his own farmhouse on the ground … Please, but please, keep in mind for a moment … It is our most important duty to take the most meticulous precautions, strictly follow the rules… “