Amazing ,Onur Ünlü, has proposed marriage to Hazar Ergüçlü! Look what Hazar Ergüçlü answered …

Onur Ünlü , proposed marriage to Hazar Ergüçlü. It was learned that Ergüçlü was very happy against the offer.

Director Onur Ünlü (46) explained his relationship with actress Hazar Ergüçlü, who is 19 years younger than him: I learned the difference between us from the newspapers. My relationship is one of my most important issues. For the first time, I’m interested in not ending. Apparently, the relationship will not end! ’

According to the news of Müge Dağıstanlı from Posta Newspaper; Onur Ünlü, made a marriage proposal to his lover . Ergüçlü was quite happy with the proposal and the answer was ‘yes.. Onur Ünlü, on the other hand, met with the family of Hazal Ergüçlü in Cyprus last summer.