Kylie Jenner is being hated by everyone! Here’s why …

Kylie Jenner became the centerpiece of the network because of the shoes she bought at a luxury store. While many well-known names are trying to contribute and pray for the fires in the Amazon, Kylie spends money to add some extra shoes to her wardrobe.

This didn’t appeal to the fans at all. Not even those who worship the Kardashian-Jenner family.Kylie posted some images on Instagram trying out different shoes. Among them was an image from her closet, which read, “Do I Have a Problem?” Now fans are accusing her of not worrying about the spread of fires in the Amazon, which produces 20% of the oxygen on the planet. “Kylie Jenner has bought 673838 pairs of Gucci shoes while the Amazon forest is BIG. She has billions of money and millions of followers. The least he can do is post something on Instagram, ”wrote one follower.The 22-year-old has yet to make any comment on the matter. She even goes on to post images promoting her makeup line.